Saturday, February 29, 2020

Give You A Love And Relationship Tarot Reading


Hi, may name is Kai and I am a professional psychic tarot reader, clairvoyant and evidentiary medium having developed my gifts over many years.  I've delivered profound messages to groups, individuals, celebrities, companies, organizations and more.

This gig is very good for getting answers and/or direction to a problem or situation that you would like clarity/insight regarding LOVE, RELATIONSHIPS or your SOULMATE / TWIN FLAME.  If you are in a relationship, then this gig can provide you with much needed clarity to get to the bottom of the situation.


  • 3 CARDS - offers general information about your relationship or guidance on 1 question that you provide.
  • 5 CARDS - gives you detailed information about how you truly feel, how they truly feel, the short term potential for the relationship and the long term potential of the relationship.  You can ask 2 questions.
  • 13 CARDS - goes in depth into your side, their side and the current situation.  You can ask 3 questions. 

Please no Legal or Medical related questions - consult a licence professional instead <3

Looking forward to helping you!


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Provide You With A Personalized Tarot Reading


you will receive a tarot reading via email or via fiverr depending upon the type of tarot package that you brought.  If it is the mini 3 question reading you will receive it via fiverr.  If it is the 6 month to 1 year reading you will receive it via email.  Therefore, you will need to provide your email for those readings.  the 3 question reading can pertain to relationships, finances, health, career, travel etc.  The 6 month and 1 year reading is about what is coming in the future for you.  Please include your full name and date of birth for the readings.  



Good details about specifics that can help me.


great reading thank you :)

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Wse One Yes Or No Question For You


Dowsing is a technique that has been used for centuries to aid in answering questions, locating water, oil, people, grave sites, buries treasure and more. The U.S. Government even employs dowsers!

I am a Reiki Master Teacher and am a highly intuitive person. I am a certified dowser and would be happy to help you with your questions that require a yes or no response. If I am able to help narrow things down with more specific questions, I will try, but please understand that this is just a "yes" or "no" response gig.  I'm sorry but I don't do map dowsing any longer.

Have a question about something in life? Dowse for yes or no answers. Having a baby? Dowse for boy or girl long before that first ultrasound can tell! 

For this gig, I will dowse your question using a pendulum. I will dowse the question/situation 3 times and send you a report in writing (or in video if gig extra is purchased) with your answers.  



great pendulum reading


Master of Pendulum!


detailed reading; will buy again


The Queen of Dowsing here on Fiverr!!! Chapeau...


great seller; a real gem in the Fiverr oceans!!! thanks

Telepathically Do Accurate Psychic Reading, Love Influence, Mind Control


Do you need to find out what someone thinks about you and influence their thoughts in your favor? Nudge your lover, friend, boss favorably towards you?

My psychic expertise has been utilized by governments, Celebrities, judges, lawyers and everyone in between. 

With this gig, I will connect to all of the energies involved, and retrieve the answers to your questions regarding your past, present or future. Readings are 100% genuine, and are guaranteed to contain pinpoint accuracy, finely tuned details and delivered within 2 hours from the time of ordered.


I specialize in loverelationshipssoulmate identification and problem-solving, jobs, career and business questions.

  • Telepathy reading
  • Thought Implantatation / Mind control
  • Love reunion 
  • Getting your ex back

So if you have any question about telepathy, love life, relationship, mind implementation, career, future description then contact with me.

My Expertise 

  • Love Spell, Psychic Reading, Telepathy, Thoughts Implant, Obsession Spell, Get Ex-Back, Influence Mind, Mind Control, Psychic Medium, Psychic Clairvoyant, Tarot Reading, Clairvoyant, Love Reunion, Reiki Healing


Seller's Response:

The reading was perfect and accurate. Would highly recommend.

Seller's Response:

Thank you! Results sooner than expected.


great work. will be back!


Nice Buyer


Very interesting

Intuitively Draw And Read Tarot Cards For Individuals


Welcome to my page! My name is Lenora Starr and I offer tarot card reading for individuals. I began my tarot practice 5 years ago and believe tarot is a wonderful conduit for my empathic nature.  My readings are based on my intuition and knowledge directed toward the situation at hand, so they may not match previous interpretations of the same cards from other readers or simplistic "by the book" readings. 

What you will receive when you decided to work with me:

A PDF document highlighting:

  1. Date and time of reading
  2. Moon phase
  3. Recap of original intention
  4. My reading of each card and it's position
  5. A photo of your drawing

The 3 card "Pathway" reading includes: where one has been, where one is now, and where one is going.

The 5 card "Situation" reading includes: the current situation, the challenge to moving forward, what to keep in mind, what to focus on, and the possible outcome from taking action. 

The Celtic Cross reading is a 10 card reading ideal for those who want a more in depth general life reading or have a specific open question such as: what should I focus my energy on? What energy is currently affecting my work/family/love life/goals/etc.


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An Intuitive Tarot Reading On Defining Your Priorities


Defining Priorities

The Osho Zen Tarot deck is different from traditional decks, in that this deck is focused on gaining an understanding of the here and now, rather than the past and future. Using this incredible deck, this 4 card intuitive spread is designed to help you decide what currently needs your most immediate attention and focus in life, vs. what can really wait.

The four cards represent what is:

  • immediate and important
  • important but not immediate
  • immediate but not important
  • not immediate and not important

You will receive a 1-2 page PDF document with the most detailed information provided by the tarot cards, including a picture of the cards drawn.


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Give Amazing Insight And Guidance On An Issue


I'm expert professional level at the Tarot. Your reading with me will be honest and its not a fortune telling, its a genuine reflection of the energies around you and your situation. I am a Counsellor professionally with a Psychology degree. I use Tarot in my private practice. This is a high level reading you are purchasing. A reading doesn't control anybody and a person still has the ability to make up their own mind to act and react as they wish. However a reading can give you a very good insight into how another person is feeling and thinking about a situation and what they are likely to do. This can prepare you and empower you. The rest is up to you, to accept and to choose how you wish to react. You have free will as do others around you. Energy is in flow. A reading can be empowering helping you to get insight into what is possible and what you can do. The Tarot when it is used professionally in this responsible way is a great tool for life and I'm happy to help you with it. 



Thank you. Will see how the prediction progresses.


A pleasure as usual. I love her delivery. I feel like she just gets it. No one can go wrong seeking her advice.


Thank you for the beautiful reading ! Sending love and blessings


she was very to the point and exact


The painful Truth :-)

Answer Three Yes Or No Questions With Small Details


Hi I am new with using Tarot cards and yes I have done readings before with regular playing cards. I am intuitive, empath and in person I can see Auras. I am owning up to my gifts and want to start practicing by answering yes/no questions. Later as I feel myself becoming familiar with the deck I will gradually add more services as time progress. This is for entertainment purposes only. There is also free will that can make the outcome change. If during the yes/no questions a card stands out or im picking on a specific vibe I will include it with the reading at no extra charge. I just ask that you all please have patience with me as I am learning and give as much feedback with comments or messages. I look forward to helping and directing/advising you in your situation. 


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Give You A 3 Card Psychic Tarot Reading


I will be performing a 3 Card Psychic Tarot Reading using numerology with meditation.

These readings are with the use of the "Rider-Waite Tarot Deck".

The  Cards will show: 

first card=         what has past

second card=  what is happening now

third card=      what is to come

I will give full meaning of the cards and interpret what they mean for you.

I will give a full thorough report and send a picture of the spread with the results of the reading.

You may ask 1 Question prior to the reading pertaining to ( but not limited to ) LOVE, BUSINESS, RELATIONSHIP, ect.

Please include the name of the person of interest if you are asking about some one.


Seller's Response:

Steve's completed the reading promptly and I am amazed by the speed as well as the thought provoking nature of this reading.

Seller's Response:

You are welcome :) Thank you again and keep in touch :)

Seller's Response:

Helpful, open and encouraging! Hoping for the best

Seller's Response:

You are welcome :) Thank you again and keep in touch :)

Seller's Response:

excellent reading, good guidance

Tarot Reading For Career Love Relationship Health


Are you confused about your life? Are you stuck for a answer?? Are you not sure what path to take in your career?? Are you confused about your relationship?? Tarot has all the answers for your worries.. 

Readings related to love, career, relationship and some basic health issues will be given..

No reading related to death or any unborn gender or anything related to Gambling(lotto, lottery, stock trading or betting) will be given..

**If you take a premium package, then 1 revision will be given without additional charge.

***Readings are only for guidance purpose.

***Tarot readings cannot replace a Doctors visit or medicine.. 


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Answer 3 Psychic Questions


Hi, I'm Psychic and Spiritual guide Michael and my services are of the highest quality(see my reviews) and honest for your life questions. 

In this gig, you can ask three clear questions and on that, you will get a basic answer YES or NO. So it's important that question is clear and that this type of answer can be clearly understood for what you are asking. 

In case you want more details about some of your questions or all of them, I also offer that additional option.

Many blessings to you and have a great day.

Disclaimer: For legal reasons, this Gig is for entertainment purposes only.


Seller's Response:

Michael , thank you so much for your kind help, you are always warm, supportive amd encouraging for better, I appreciate it truly!

Seller's Response:

Thank you

Seller's Response:

I am so very grateful for all your guidance and kind help and how your words always come across so warm, thank you for being here for me Michael !

Seller's Response:

Thank you

Seller's Response:

Thank you for your kind help, Michael , I truly appreciate the advice, insights and support you are giving me and your warmth came through as ever!

Give You A Psycards Reading


In this gig I will give you a 5-card reading which will need your input based on what you see/feel with these cards. You have to tell me if you want your spread about you and a partner or about yourself because spreads change depending on the question. 


Seller's Response:

very helpful as always! I recommend her to everyone since she is accurated! thank you!


Highly recommended


Awesome like always


I recommend


i like her interpretations, this was a good reading. thank you!

Solar Return Reading


Solar return chart shows what is in store for the coming year. It's rather like an auxiliary of your birth horoscope, painting a picture of this one-year period.

You will want to give a look at your Solar return chart at the time around your birthday. It will show you your temperament, actions, motives and the theme of the year that is ahead of you.

For this reading I will need your date and hour of birth, as well as the place of your current stay (not the place of birth).

**All given informations will be used strictly for the purposes of the reading and won't be shared elsewhere.**



Thank you for taking time to do this report


Thank you!

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