Sunday, February 9, 2020

Perform A Tarot Reading


I will provide a photo of the cards drawn, plus a detailed explanation of the meaning of the position the cards are in, but also the meaning of the cards themselves and how the position of the card affects it. I will explain how the cards tell a story about you within the context of the layout, and offer my opinion on what message is trying to be conveyed to you.


I have been using and studying the Tarot for 23 years, and currently perform tarot readings in Tulsa, OK. I use my knowledge of the tarot, the Kabbalah, and psychology to offer guidance and insight into your life and questions about it.

I am a keyword reader, non intuitive, with a heavy base in psychology and life coaching, so my reading are less 'woo', and more YOU: the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your issues, and how to work through them.

I am not a licensed psychologist, and any advice or guidance offered is taken at your own risk. I will not be held liable for any damage to your person or property that results from actions taken due to advice or guidance offered in a session.


: : : : :

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