Sunday, February 9, 2020

Get Your Answers Tarot Reading


Hey, what I've realized in truly coming into my path of divination is that I am constantly surprised and that life is never steady for Long. What I want to offer and what I think my services offer is a totally unique way of Tarot readings.I want you to get the answers that you need and find sustainable solutions to your problem(s). What I can promise is that my reading will be 100% specific and tailored to you and what your asking. Please make your question as specific as possible so I can give you the best and most accurate answer possible. if you select the package where I ask the Greek gods I will ask the god that steps forth for your reading to ask for advice on your problem or If you'd prefer on your life going forwards. My 1 card reading entails you asking me a question and with 1 card I answer that question, it's a nice short and straight to the point reading to get you your answer. My 4 card reading Is for questions that you need a solution to in more depth,

I really hope you decide to work with me,

Blessed be,




Thank you for such a dedicated effort in such an unusual case!

: : : :

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