Gain greater understanding and direction! This reading is meant to deliver you deeper practical understanding about how to handle and the energy around a life issue you are facing.Just give me your question, goal or area of your life you want me to focus on. I will send you back a detailed report of what cards were pulled and what they indicate in regards to your question. As well as any other clairvoyant information during the reading.
I will connect with you using Reiki during your reading so you will gain healing and energetic clearing while I am reading for you.
You will gain insights on your current situation, your expectations, the hidden influences, your personal advice and likely outcome.
Seller's Response:
Thank you.
:thank you!!!
:Thank you for the reading. Wish you all the best..
:Very Good Reading =)
:Great experience working with reikichristy. Her reading brought me a lot of clarity and her intuition was spot on! Thank you!
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