The analysis is based on Krishnamurti Paddhati horoscope prepared for the given time of birth. Prediction regarding your question will be answered from birth chart using transits and Vimshottari Dasha system. Following things will be discussed depending on relevance of question.1. Getting a job, its timing and whether the job will be beneficial or otherwise. OR
2. Change in job, its timing and whether new job will be beneficial or otherwise. OR
3. Promotion in present job and its timing. OR
4. Whether horoscope is suitable for job or independent business.
5. Progress in independent business.
1.The earliest opportunity of getting a job/promotion/transfer.is predicted based on horoscope. For requesting additional opportunities buy a separate gig.
2. The prediction is supported by suitable astrological reasoning not amounting to teaching the subject of astrology.
3. Any question outside the purview of the gig will not be entertained. In this respect, seller's decision will be final.
Seller's Response:
Very Coordial
Seller's Response:Subhash gave straightforward analysis and conclusion. He also answered my question. Thank you very much!
Seller's Response:Very clear interpretation of the chart and explanation of what he sees. Good report on the question I had in mind. Even looked at moon to see if the question I have is in my mind clearly and explained all of the houses and planets giving outcome involved. Will ask another question in the future.
:Thanks for kind words and great review. Welcome again.
:The report was very detailed and you can tell the seller puts a lot of time and effort into completing the work and making the buyer happy. I recommend his thorough reports. As this seller seems very experienced in horary astrology.
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