The spirit realm is a place that is pure and beyond that of the physical realm. It is a place of the gods, a place of light beings and of peace and serenity. Only someone attuned to crossing over into the spirit realm can do this and only someone in-tune with their spirit guide can do it. My spirit guide will lead me to the place where all spirit guides reside. I will stay and speak with the spirit guides and ask your question(s). Usually, YOUR spirit guide will present itself to me. Your spirit guide knows everything about you, even when you or your doctor doesn't.If you have chosen the premium package I will present to the spirit guide your ailing symptoms and bring back to the physical realm answers that could help you recover from your medical illness. Choose the premium to get medical answers based on your symptoms when modern day doctors have failed.
Seller's Response:
this was helpful
Seller's Response:Very eye opening. A lot to take in, and exactly what I needed. Highly Highly Recommended, I will be back. Thank you so much. I have a lot of deep searching to do.
Seller's Response:Hope to hear from you again :-)
:Very understanding, very helpful and kind. I appreciate that this reading was not sugar coated. Thank you very much! Highly Recommended.
:So happy you mentioned the no sugar coating, that is actually one of my motto's no sugar coating, just truth :-)
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