Saturday, April 4, 2020

Channel Your Animal Spirit Guides


Discover details about the Animal Spirit Guides who are with you closely, guiding you in spiritual realms; these are the animals that most resemble your personal frequencies - the characteristics, qualities, strengths, weaknesses and overall tendencies. It could be possible you had a past life as this animal. As I tune in I can receive the animals that are closest to you. This information allows you to connect with your Animal Spirits/Guides consciously for a closer bond, as they can guide you through all aspects of your life. The animals can also help you discover more of who you are and the themes you are choosing in this lifetime.

You will receive a channeled graphic of what I receive when I tune in, along with a description of the graphic all complied in a PDF document.


Seller's Response:

Wonderful, insightful reading. Thank you very much!

Seller's Response:

You are very welcome!

Seller's Response:

This really resonated with me, Thank You for the reading!

Seller's Response:

Glad it did! You are very welcome.


Really unique and cool experience thank you

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