Monday, July 20, 2020

Analyze Your Dreams And Nightmares


I will write a detailed full dream analysis based on traditional dream symbolism in a pdf file format. The format will include your original dream as you have sent it, with a breakdown of the type of dream, important symbols, their meanings, and a conclusion to the dream purpose and or message

Dreams are an important part of our everyday life, they are the main direct communication we have with the subconscious and sometimes will be the only way for us to process important or traumatic feelings and thoughts. There are many types of dreams and I will categories them as followed:

  • Standard dreams - daydream, normal dreams, and nightmares.
  • Priority dreams - these are dreams that carry different levels of importance to the individual dreaming them such as recurring dreams, spiritual dreams, and prophetic dreams.
  • Unique dream markers - these are things that might happen in any of the dream types above and are usually a sign that a dream is of importance, for example, false awakening or Shared dreams.
  • Dream skills - including lucid dreaming and astral travel, both skills that can be learned and practiced.


With all my love, waiting for your dreams, Bix. 


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Analyze Your Dreams And Nightmares

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