I will use my psychic gifts to connect with your energy and bring to you the most accurate reading.BASIC/3 CARDS SPREAD: This is a short reading of 1 paragraph which will bring clarity in the area of your life that you have asked about. Along with that, I will explain what each card means uniquely for you. You can ask only 1 question for this reading. No health, career or past life related questions will be accepted in this package, please check out the 8 cards spread for such questions.
STANDARD/8 CARDS SPREAD: This is a detailed reading of 3 paragraphs. You can ask upto 2 questions about any one thing. What each card means uniquely for you will be explained as a part of the reading. Health, career and past life related queries will be accepted in this package.
PREMIUM/MYSTERY READING: The reading will comprise of messages that the universe, your guides and angels want you to receive. This is a very unique reading and will bring to your attention the parts of your life that your conscious mind tends to ignore and provide you with guidance on what it is that you need to work on. I will pull as many cards as I am guided to pull (min. 8 cards).
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