Sunday, May 17, 2020

Complete A Highly Informative Human Design Reading


MultiDimensional Readings are crafted by yours truly, Kyle & Ariel, utilizing comprehensive software, knowledge, & experience. As natural born healers, we provide tools to assist you in your self-discovery. Through our study of psychology, spirituality, science, astrology, and mythology, we have been fortunate enough to acquire various perspectives of what it means "to be."

Human Design can be seen as a user manual for your life - an energetic blueprint - displaying how you have been given a special role in this life, how you are constituted to make healthy decisions, and to shine light on your individuality - showing how you have specific fractals of great archetypes within you. Once you become conscious of the differences between Who You Are and Who You Think You Are, you become familiar with your personal energy field, and thus, you discover how to navigate your way through life successfully.

When you complete an exclusive MultiDimensional Human Design Reading, you discover self-love, self-awareness and freedom to create a life aligned with your unique energies.

The information required:

  1. Your Birth Date
  2. Your Birth Time
  3. Your City of Birth

Learn Your Human Design Now!



I got my human design super quickly! I'm a little disappointed it didn't provide any insight beyond what I can google about myself, but I still enjoyed it.


Truly so amazing and eye-opening. <3


A great report with lots of information. Would recommend.


Such an amazing reading. Thanks so much!!


Wonderful experience.

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