Sunday, May 24, 2020

Review Future Periods Of Your Life With Firdaria


Firdaria is a method of prediction of the Medieval Astrology, and it outlines a person's life by associating different periods with different planets, defining which theme will prevail during each of the periods.

In Firdaria, seven planets and two Moon Nodes, one after another, rule periods of human life. The periods of planets (but not of the Moon Nodes) can be further divided into subperiods that last for 1/7 of the length of the main period. The length of each period varies from 2 to 13 years, depending on the speed of the ruling planet.

While Firdaria can be very accurate, it has to be noted that it only takes into account the period of the day when you were born – day or night. And because of this, it has general effects and interpretations. For example, everyone born during the daytime will experience Planetary Period: The Moon subperiod Saturn in the 33rd year of their life. But still, it can be quite an accurate reflection of life experiences, since these periods usually last more than a year.



I appreciate the reading and connection!


Very good service


seems accurate.Hopefully will see the results as the New Year moves on


I love it ! Thanks so much


The descriptions from this reading were easy to understand. Fidaria is a new concept for me. I did not know of it before today. Although the future periods are not described specifically and somewhat vague It really gives you a sort of snapshot into your life for guidance and understanding.

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