Friday, May 15, 2020

A Personalized Oracle Card Reading For You


My card reading method is extremely unique and flexible: first, you can ask as specific or general of a question(s) as you like. Next, I use a wide variety of different decks, including tarot, oracle, soul, and various themed decks (ice cream, Victorian London, practical magic, to name a few), to pull an incredibly customized reading to answer any questions you may have. Every reading is different, I do not use set "card spreads" like many other readers and instead rely simply on my intuition :) My method also insures that my reading is meaningful to even those clients who have zero background in card reading or fortune telling, which in my opinion makes for a more satisfying experience than getting readings from readers who work exclusively with the tarot or one single deck, because the tarot tends to be very esoteric and mysterious to the uninitiated. Also, while you may not feel a connection to any one particular deck a reader might use, I guarantee you that I have enough decks that you will find at least one that speaks to you! I have also designed my own mushroom themed deck which I will use in readings if desired :) 


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