Sunday, May 31, 2020

A Tarot And Oracle Reading Video Or Email


I use Tarot and Oracle (sometime Runes) to provide possible answers and guidance to ANY question you may have. 

I understand that sometimes guidance and answers are hard to decipher thru the noise of today's world. I try to use technology to my advantage and therefore have the ability to provide you with readings in an extremely timely fashion.

My readings can be done with a detailed written description with a photo of spread, OR recorded video (exceptionally good for Deep Dive readings so you can go back and watch as much as you need).  You pick what works best for YOU!!!

I am body-positive, sex-positive, kink-positive, and will read for any nationality, race, religion etc...

For entertainment only.


Seller's Response:

I really enjoyed my reading! I also found brandy to be generous with her time and followup questions. Thanks again.


Thanks for taking the time to leave a review! ~B


I sent an email ahead as request to go along with my question and she never read it until after my reading. While she was reading for me she couldn't even remember my sign which was also requested when the information was sent over. The reading resignated in some form but the not really.


Brandy was very genuine and insightful. Not only did she connect with me, but also with my person of interest that I inquired about. The turnaround was quick but her reading was extremely thorough. I couldn't be happier with my experience.


She’s a very honest and authentic reader. She has probably given me one of the best tarot card readings on Fiverr.

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